Changes in the Federal Forestry Act: Responses to Criticism and New Approaches

Short: The German Federal Ministry of Agriculture (BMEL) responds to criticism from the states and associations regarding the planned changes to the Federal Forestry Act.

The German Federal Ministry of Agriculture (BMEL) responds to criticism from the states and associations regarding the planned changes to the Federal Forestry Act.

According to sources in the ministry, in the updated draft of the law, the role of the forest as an economic factor will be equally taken into account along with its ecological functions and value for recreation.

There will be no national guidelines for the selection of tree species. Instead, each land will independently determine what species are considered "locally appropriate" and can be planted.

Large continuous felling will be allowed only with the permission of the authorities

At the national level, it will be established that continuous felling of more than one hectare can be carried out only with the permission of local authorities. According to BMEL representatives, the logging requirements have been simplified compared to the previous draft, focusing on the main aspects.

Requirements for forest roads for machinery are also waived. The new draft does not provide for criminal penalties, but administrative violations remain. On Monday, August 19, the ministry submitted its revised draft for approval.

Protracted conflict blocks the adoption of a new forest law

Amendments to the Federal Forestry Act, stipulated by the coalition agreement between the SPD, the Greens and the Free Democratic Party, have been the subject of heated discussions in Germany for a year. Last fall, four environmental organizations proposed their draft law, which caused outrage among forest associations.

The project agreed between the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and the Federal Ministry of Environmental Protection was received no less critically by the industry. Even some changes made by BMEL at the end of the year could not change the general negative mood. No agreement was reached.

Criticism also came from the lands. A legal opinion commissioned by forest owners and family businesses found that some parts of the proposed project may be unconstitutional.

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