Norwegian forest owners demand recognition as climate champions with new initiative Skogløftet 2030

Short: Norwegian forest owners want to be seen as a key part of the climate fight. They are launching Skogløftet 2030, an initiative with concrete measures for sustainable forestry that reduces greenhouse gases.

In the shadow of the global debate on climate change and nature conservation, Norwegian forest owners feel increasingly exposed to unfair criticism. Heidi Hemstad, chair of the Norwegian Forest Owners' Association, points out that forest owners are often portrayed as scapegoats in these discussions. Hemstad believes that forest owners are unfairly blamed for environmental destruction, while in reality they work for sustainable management of the forests.

The forest industry as a solution, not a problem

The forest industry insists that it is not part of the problem, but rather a significant part of the solution to the climate and nature challenges of our time. The forest industry offers a method of sustainable forest management that not only preserves, but also enhances the forest's ability to sequester carbon. Forestry is poised to make a significant contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gases, thereby supporting global and national climate goals.

While many point the finger at forestry in accusatory tones, it is important to recognize the full potential of forests as a renewable resource. By promoting the sustainable utilization of forest products, the forest industry can actually lead to significant reductions in the use of non-renewable resources such as plastic, oil and concrete. These products, which are highly damaging to the environment, can be replaced by wood-based materials, which have less environmental impact and often far greater sustainability.

Forests are essential for both the environment and the economy. Their carbon sequestration capabilities, production of renewable products and contribution to employment make forestry a key player in the green shift. Investing in forests and forest products strengthens the green economy, which is critical for a sustainable future.

Heidi Hemstad and the forest owners therefore argue that their efforts should rightfully be recognized as an environmental good, and not met with criticism. The forest industry needs support and understanding for the important contribution it can make in meeting the world's environmental challenges. Forest owners encourage collaboration and dialogue to create a more nuanced picture of their role in the climate debate.

The Forest Promise 2030

To support his message, Hemstad launched "Skogløftet 2030", an ambitious initiative that presents concrete measures and objectives for forestry's role in climate work. The Forest Promise consists of eight key pledges that outline how the forest sector can contribute to measurable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, while creating economic value and new jobs.

Among the pledges is a commitment to increase the share of wood products in the industry, which will replace less sustainable materials such as plastic and concrete. In addition, the Forest Pledge proposes a strengthening of research efforts to maximize the potential of forests as carbon sinks. The need to develop more effective methods for sustainable forest management is also highlighted, so that forests can function as both a protected area and a resource base.

One of the key aspects of the Forest Promise is to ensure that forestry not only meets, but exceeds today's environmental requirements. Hemstad emphasizes that by achieving the goals of the Forest Pledge, the forest sector will be able to demonstrate its indispensable role in both climate protection and economic development.

The call Hemstad delivered on behalf of forest owners is clear and unambiguous: More forestry is needed to achieve Norway's climate goals. By making greater use of wood in industry and implementing the measures proposed in the Forest Promise, the forest sector can be a key player in Norway's green future. Forest owners are therefore calling for collaboration across industries, policy areas and societies to fully utilize the capacity of forests in the fight against climate change.

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