In the Rivne region, all heads of forestry enterprises were fired

Short: On November 29, in the Rivne region, all heads of forestry enterprises were fired. This was announced by the general director of the state enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” Yuriy Bolokhovets.

On November 29, in the Rivne region, all heads of forestry enterprises were fired. This was announced by the general director of the state enterprise “Forests of Ukraine” Yuriy Bolokhovets.

“As promised last week, personnel purges have begun in the forestry industry,” he wrote on Telegram.

Bolokhovets noted that on November 28, a decision was made to dismiss all directors of Rivne branches of forestry enterprises.

“The problems in the region are chronic, and the ties are too deep, so we must completely renew the personnel of the local leadership. The position of the Prosecutor General’s Office is principled; we hope that law enforcement officers and judges will complete the work we have begun, the cases will end with real verdicts, and will not be quietly covered up, as sometimes happens,” he added.

New forestry managers will be identified through an open personnel competition. The announcement will appear on the website of the State Enterprise “Forests of Ukraine”.

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