Ukraine and Germany are developing a new forest management project

Short: Ukraine and Germany are jointly developing a new three-year forestry management project, which will be presented in June.

Ukraine and Germany are jointly developing a new three-year forestry management project, which will be presented in June. This project is of strategic importance for Ukraine and aims to support the development and sustainable management of forest resources. According to the First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine Alexander Krasnolutsky, joint cooperation with German experts involves discussing new stages of development, including a national forest inventory, mine clearance, cultivation and reproduction of forests. German experts will also provide assistance in introducing innovations in forest management, forest accounting and monitoring, as well as in the digitalization of the industry.

At a meeting with GFA Consulting Group representative Christian Aschenbach and international expert Uli Müller, details of the new project were discussed. This European consulting agency is engaged in international development cooperation and is the general representative of the German Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food. In June, the concept of a new project will be prepared after its directions have been worked out and agreed upon with the relevant German Ministry.

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