The strategic importance of the moratorium on forest exports for the economic development of Ukraine

29 Jul 2024

Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Development in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Dmytro Kysilevskyi, emphasized the importance of maintaining the moratorium on forest exports until the completion of full demining and restoration of Ukraine's forest resources. According to Kisylevsky, this measure has a significant impact on the economic and ecological stability of the country.

The moratorium was introduced in 2016 as a strategic step to protect forests from uncontrolled logging, particularly in the Carpathian region. Since then, thanks to the ban, deforestation has decreased by 30%, which has contributed to the gradual restoration of the ecological balance.

Kisylevsky notes that the moratorium contributed to the increase in the efficiency of wood processing in the country. Instead of exporting the raw material, the wood is now processed by high-tech enterprises producing higher value-added products such as furniture and building materials. This contributed to the growth of the woodworking industry by 52% since 2016, while other industries grew by an average of 6%.

Thanks to the moratorium, the domestic market attracted significant investment, which is especially important in light of recent events related to the war. Forest resources have become a strategic raw material for military needs, including for the construction of fortifications.

In addition, Kisylevsky pointed out the need to extend the moratorium for another 10 years, until the forest cover is restored to a level that meets average European standards.

Discussing the issue of reconstruction, the deputy chairman of the committee emphasized the importance of using Ukrainian building materials. This will not only allow us to restore the infrastructure, but also provide jobs for Ukrainian citizens, contributing to the return of emigrants and the recovery of the economy. Examples from other countries show that foreign investments without the inclusion of local resources lead to stagnation and economic stagnation.

In conclusion, Kysylevsky emphasized the need to protect investments involved in the woodworking industry and use the maximum possible amount of Ukrainian materials in the process of restoration and construction. This approach will ensure the creation of jobs, promote domestic consumption and support the Ukrainian economy.

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