Current trends in the sale of oak wood

Short: Scientists of the economy sector of UkrNDILGA conducted a current analysis of the realization of one of the most economically valuable and valuable tree species – ordinary oak.

Scientists of the economy sector of UkrNDILGA conducted a current analysis of the realization of one of the most economically valuable and valuable tree species – ordinary oak. In particular, in 2021, the cost of an impersonal cubic meter of round pine lumber, as a whole, according to enterprises of the industry, was UAH 1,975, and oak – almost 5 times more (9642 UAH). In recent years, almost a third of the volumes of commercial hardwood roundwood in Ukraine have been harvested in the region.

Due to the military actions in Ukraine, there is a drop in domestic demand for commercial roundwood products, and accordingly, in the sales volume of roundwood, even in this region. The overall decrease in 2022 compared to the previous year, 2021, in the volume of sales by forestry enterprises  of round oak lumber for all quality classes, was 18% (almost 9,000 cubic meters). The decrease in demand in 2022 for round oak lumber was also accompanied by a decrease in sales prices by 8.4%. One of the main reasons for this is a significant decrease in the number of woodworking enterprises due to military actions in the country  by almost 50%.

The decrease in the average selling price of round oak lumber (diameter 30–34 cm) in 2022 in the region was due to assortments of the lowest quality class. The average price of D class assortments in 2022 decreased by 6%. Even a 10% increase in the average sales prices of class A and B lumber did not compensate for the drop in the price of the most massive assortment, due to the prevailing physical sales volume of class D oak lumber in the overall structure of wood trade: 55.4% in 2021 and 61.1% in 2022

Dynamics of physical volume and sale prices of round oak forest in the Carpathian region during the military operations in Ukraine indicate the deterioration of the financial and economic situation of forestry enterprises (now – forestry branches). Therefore, it is necessary to provide measures aimed at revitalizing business activity, first of all, in the woodworking and construction industries of the economy. This will contribute to the increase of domestic demand for business roundwood products, and accordingly – improving the financial capacity of forestry branches.

Information provided by the forestry economics sector of UkrNDILGA

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