Forestry in Central Finland faces challenges after a productive year due to a delayed winter

Short: Forestry in Central Finland has experienced a peak year, but the delayed winter has brought new challenges to logging due to poor frost development.

Last year was exceptionally profitable for the forestry sector in Central Finland, as timber trade generated more than EUR 600 million in revenue for the region. This very high timber trade year brought significant economic benefits to the region, creating jobs and supporting the local economy. However, while the economic success was evident, this year's timber harvest faces several unexpected challenges.

Delayed winter and the impact of weather on logging

Forestry is sensitive to weather conditions, and this past winter has been particularly challenging due to poor frost development. In winter, harvesters need the best possible operating environment, which is achieved by severe frosts and snowy terrain. However, this winter has been exceptional, as the onset of winter snow and slush conditions had to wait until early March. This delayed winter has had a significant impact on the timing and efficiency of harvesting.

Weak frost is a particular challenge, as it limits the ability of forest machines to operate on soft peat soils. Soft ground such as peat soils cannot support the weight of heavy machinery without damage, which means that many areas will have to be excluded from harvesting this winter. Without proper frost, the ground will not firmly support heavy machinery, posing risks to both the environment and the machinery itself.

Forest operators have adapted to these challenges as best they can, but the shortened harvest season remains a major problem. This spring's winter snows offer an effective harvesting period of only about two weeks, which is exceptionally short. This affects the planning and implementation of harvesting operations, as the time available is limited and work must be done efficiently.

Ensuring the quality of harvesting has also proven to be a challenge, as mild winters and poor frosts affect the quality grading of timber and thus its value on the secondary market. Quality assurance is of paramount importance because its impact is far-reaching, both in economic and environmental terms. The quality of timber directly affects its commercial value and its potential on international markets.

In summary, although Central Finland has enjoyed a successful year in the timber trade, the challenges for the current year are significant. The success of the forest sector is strongly linked to weather conditions and the natural cycle, and therefore the industry must constantly adapt and innovate to be able to move forward even in volatile conditions. However, this year will inevitably demonstrate how agile and adaptable current forestry practices are and how well they can meet the challenges of the future circular economy.

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