The Economic Court of Chernihiv Oblast has ruled that UAH 850,000 will be recovered from the state enterprise Forests of Ukraine. This amount is to compensate for the damage caused to the environment as a result of illegal felling of trees in the Torchyn reserve. This decision was the result of a detailed review of the case where the company was found liable for violating environmental legislation.
"Forests of Ukraine is a large state-owned enterprise responsible for managing and preserving the country's forest resources. One of its key functions is to protect protected areas from any illegal activities, including logging. However, in the case of the Torchyn tract, the company failed to effectively fulfill this function.
The protected Torchyn tract is located on the territory of the Krasky Forestry, which is controlled by Chernihiv Forestry, a branch of the state enterprise Forests of Ukraine. An integral part of their work is to ensure the preservation of the natural resources of this unique ecosystem. Despite these tasks, the supervision of the territory was insufficient.
The court ruling on March 12 underscores the importance of compliance with environmental regulations and the need to strengthen control over protected areas. It was an official confirmation of the company's responsibility for the environmental damage in the region.
The violation found on the territory of Torchyn included illegal felling of trees, which caused significant damage to the local ecosystem. Such activities are contrary to generally accepted environmental standards in Ukraine. It not only violates the law, but also threatens the loss of important natural resources.
Preserving biodiversity and natural areas is a crucial task. It is necessary to ensure effective control and protection of protected areas to prevent similar cases from recurring in the future.