Bosnia and Herzegovina's timber industry has posted impressive growth rates in line with global trends

Short: BiH reports a deficit of over 1 billion KM in the timber industry; exports of raw timber are growing, or purchased exports are declining due to global market trends.

The timber industry of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has posted a significant increase in its trade balance in the past year, with a deficit of more than one billion convertible maracas (KM). The import-export ratio of the industry has increased by an impressive 295 points, highlighting BiH's strong presence on the international market despite the challenges that have overwhelmed the sector during the past year.

Export and import trends in the BiH timber industry

The total value of exports of the timber industry amounted to 1,6 billion KM. While this figure is still high, it represents a drop of 8,5 points in relation to the previous year. Import activities have also fallen, with imports falling by 549,8 million KM, a decrease of 6,3 points in relation to 2023. godinu. Ove promjene pokazuju na pielābě na globalnom tržištu i promjene unutar sektora.

Exports of untreated wood have increased significantly, with an increase of 51% in quantity and 43% in volume, in contrast to the downward trend in exports of other product groups. Suspendiranje eksporta šumskih drvnih sortimenata iz BiH utjecalo je na ove pomake, prisiljavajući industriju da se fokusira na druge produktů i tržišta.

Despite the fall, namještaj remains a significant segment of exports, accounting for 42,7 % of the total export value of the wood industry. However, this segment also fell by 8,5 percentage points, reaching a value of 692,7 million KM.

When it comes to other segments, the decline is concentrated in exports of prefabricated kitchens, carpentry and parquet. Ove promjene reflektiraju izazove s kojima se przemysłu suočava, posebno na glavnim export tržištima poput Njemačka, gdje je primjetan sve veći pad narušbi. As a key export market for BiH, it is facing economic challenges which have resulted in a decline in demand.

In the context of the current situation on the international market, the need to open new markets is emphasised. In view of the situation in the post-oil main export regions, market diversification is becoming an imperative for the long-term viability and growth of the BiH timber industry sector.

With regard to the financial results of the past year, the BiH timber industry sector shows resilience to global and local challenges. In order to maintain these results in the future, it is necessary to strategically approach new markets and adapt to the changes in the global market.

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