The European Business Association (EBA) has expressed its support for the draft law No. 4197-d "On the Timber Market", appealing to the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada and relevant ministries to approve it. This document aims to reform the timber market in Ukraine by creating a modern legal, economic and organizational framework.
Draft Law No. 4197-d has a clear European integration focus, which is in line with Ukraine's commitments to the European Union in the field of integration. The main provisions of the document lay the groundwork for new legal, economic and organizational frameworks that will facilitate the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with EU norms.
Among the main innovations of the draft law is the introduction of mechanisms for the sale of timber and fuel wood with a focus on fair competition and sustainable development of forest resources. This involves the introduction of transparent trade procedures, which will help improve the business climate in the forestry sector and reduce the corruption burden.
One of the key elements of the draft law is a cascade system of exchange auctions, which includes both upward and downward bidding. This system is aimed at ensuring transparent competition and the ability of Ukrainian enterprises to be competitive in the domestic market.
Ensuring the priority right of Ukrainian processing enterprises to purchase timber is an important step to protect national interests and develop domestic producers. This provision was introduced to support Ukraine's economy and create new jobs, as well as to stimulate investment in technologies for deeper wood processing.
The European Business Association emphasizes the importance of the draft law not only for European integration processes, but also for the development of the forestry sector in Ukraine as a whole. Ensuring sustainable forest management and transparent market mechanisms will help maintain the ecological balance and make it possible to bring the Ukrainian timber market in line with European standards.
Implementation of such reforms is necessary to strengthen the competitiveness of Ukrainian products on the European market and to create a more stable and transparent business environment. The EBA continues to push for the adoption of the draft law at both the national and international levels, considering it an important component of successful integration into the EU.