Piedmont continues to stand out for its commitment to sustainable forest management, ranking third in Italy for certified forest management area. This reflects a growing recognition of the need for sustainable practices in forest and plantation management in the region. PEFC certification, in fact, confirms compliance with high standards in environmental and social terms, helping to ensure the sustainability of the forestry sector.
The province of Cuneo represents a significant example of this commitment, ranking fourth in Piedmont, just behind Turin, Verbano-Cusio-Ossola and Vercelli. With a certified area of 5,866.94 hectares, of which 151.95 hectares are devoted to poplar groves, Cuneo underscores its focus on responsible and conscious management of natural resources.
The year 2024 was a watershed year, with the achievement of a record number of new certified companies, a testament to the success of the PEFC certification system. This is especially true for small and medium-sized enterprises, which have demonstrated a growing environmental awareness and commitment to sustainable practices. Increasing adherence to these standards not only strengthens the competitive position of companies, but also promotes environmental responsibility at the local and national level.
Nationwide, certified hectares of sustainable forests and plantations in Italy reached 1,061,059.26, marking an increase of 8.2 percent over the previous year. This increase is not only a positive sign for environmental protection, but also a competitive advantage for companies operating in the sector. The expansion of certified areas suggests that the PEFC system is rapidly becoming a recognized and adopted standard throughout the country.
In 2024, 236 new companies achieved chain-of-custody certification, bringing the total to 1,585, and marking a 16.8 percent increase over 2023. This demonstrates a growing interest in transparent and sustainable traceability of forest resources, and broader business adherence to PEFC standards. This growth confirms the strategic importance of certification in promoting responsible resource management, and in offering guarantees of sustainability to end consumers.
The PEFC Italy Annual Report emphasized the importance of certification in good forest management. This report highlights how responsible practices not only protect the forest ecosystem, but are also key to addressing the challenges of climate change and supporting the economic development of local communities.
In addition, 15 new attestations were issued for ecosystem services of certified forests, including 14 specifically related to carbon service. This underscores the growing importance of the role that forests play not only as economic resources, but also as critical components of the global ecological system. The assessment and certification of these ecosystem services is an important step toward comprehensive recognition of the value of forests, not only in economic but also in environmental terms.