There is a Timber Working Group under the Czech Green Building Council (CZGBC) that focuses on promoting the sustainable use of wood in the building sector. This initiative comes at a time when strengthening sustainability and the transition to renewable resources in the construction industry is essential. Through innovative practices and legislative changes, timber can cement its place as a key building material for the future.
To achieve a more sustainable construction sector, the Timber Task Force has identified several priority areas that it plans to implement by 2025. These include strengthening legislation on the use of timber, raising general awareness of its benefits and providing specialised education to target groups and builders. Sharing examples of good practice to inspire others to use wood is also an important part of the strategy.
In addition to educational activities and lobbying government, the focus is on creating practical tools and recommendations to facilitate the integration of wood into standard construction practice. The working group hopes to create a platform for the sharing of information and experience among the professional community, which should have a long-term positive impact on the whole sector.
Increasing demand for timber buildings is another of the group's key objectives. Spreading awareness of the benefits of timber buildings should help to increase their share not only among private investors but especially in public procurement. The working group plans to work closely with government and institutions to increase the share of wood in new projects.
Identifying and exploiting opportunities to increase the share of timber in the construction sector is a key factor for the development of the whole sector. The Timber Group is working to identify not only legislative and economic barriers, but also ways to effectively spread awareness of the benefits of timber buildings. Its members are experts and professionals who are tasked with designing solutions and tools for the effective implementation of wood as a primary building material.
Timber Group's holistic approach means addressing the issue of timber buildings at different levels. It not only focuses on technical standardization, but also on raising the professional level in the field, which will contribute to quality and safe construction. The group proposes practical steps that include both standardisation and certification of materials and increased cooperation between different sectors of the industry. This creates an effective ecosystem to support the growth of wood as the preferred building material.
At the January meeting of the Timber Group, specific priorities and milestones were defined. Based on a detailed analysis of the current state of construction in the Czech Republic, the working group developed an action plan that includes not only steps to increase the ignition for wood use, but also methods to integrate the results of the latest research and technologies.
The Timber Working Group focuses on practical steps leading to functional and efficient use of wood in construction. Its perspective is focused on the long-term benefits of timber buildings, which not only contribute to more sustainable urban structures, but also help to minimize the carbon footprint of construction projects. through innovative solutions and strong collaboration with many industry players, the group has the ambition to create an environment where wood takes a central role in the building world.