ТОВ "ВудБуд"
Производство вагонки, блок-хауса, доски половой, фальш-бруса, плинтуса, уголка, галтели и другого погонажа. Производитель брикетов Pini-Kay. Доставка леса. Сушка древесины.
Areas of activity
We produce:
Floor board
Terrace board
Block house
Timber imitation
Plinth and platbands
Other finishing materials
Other wood products
Sawdust and shavings
Wood briquettes
See all
We sell:
Floor board
Terrace board
Block house
Timber imitation
Plinth and platbands
Other finishing materials
Other wood products
Sawdust and shavings
Wood briquettes
See all
We buy:
Edged board
Other sawlog and lumber
Талько Владимир
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