
Оцилиндрованное бревно: диаметром 160-220 мм., все виды пиломатериалов ( доска обрезная, не обрезная, брус, брусок пиленный, вагонка, блок хаус, рейка, доска пола.
Мы строим:
Дома, загородные дома из оцилиндрованного бревна, бани, беседки, склады, гаражи, магазины и.т.д.

Гранитные изделия: брусчатка,

Areas of activity
We produce:
Rounded timber
Edged board
Unedged board
Wooden beam
Lumber for pallets
Other sawlog and lumber
Beam houses
Log houses
Frame houses
Steam baths and saunas
Gazebos and shade structures
Playgrounds, sandpits, swings
Other wooden construction
See all
We sell:
Glued structural timber
Floor board
Terrace board
Block house
Rounded timber
Edged board
Unedged board
Wooden beam
Lumber for pallets
Other sawlog and lumber
Beam houses
Log houses
Frame houses
Steam baths and saunas
Gazebos and shade structures
Playgrounds, sandpits, swings
Other wooden construction
See all
Марку Андрей
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