Draft Law No. 9665 Aims to Combat Illegal Logging in Ukraine

14 września 2023

A new draft law, No. 9665, has been introduced in the Verkhovna Rada to improve countermeasures against illegal logging and wood trafficking in Ukraine. The proposed legislation aims to strengthen the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, allowing for better prosecution of violations related to tree felling, bush clearance, and reed harvesting. The law would also differentiate punishments based on the severity of the offense and provide the right to draw up administrative protocols to police and other relevant authorities.

The adoption of this draft law is expected to provide legal protection for Ukraine's environment against illegal activities such as felling trees and shrubs and illegal wood trafficking. The authors of the bill believe that it will help to curb the negative impact of illegal logging on the country's environment and natural resources.

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