Signature of the strategic timber sector contract

Tezy: On October 16, 2023 in Paris, the signing of the strategic timber sector contract took place

On October 16, 2023 in Paris, the signing of the strategic timber sector contract took place between Marc Fesneau, Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, Christophe Béchu, Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, Agnès Pannier -Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition, Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry, Patrice Vergriete Minister Delegate for Housing and professional players in the wood industry.

The forest and the wood industry are at the heart of the challenges of ecological transition and sovereignty. With France 2030, thanks to the relevant projections of the Strategic Wood Industry Contract (CSF Bois), the State is investing massively to develop wood industries, green industries par excellence, but also to renew forest resources and adapt them to climate change. .

Wood materials, particularly in the field of construction which represents more than 50% of the added value of the national wood sector, will be an essential element in the decarbonization of the economy through the long-term valorization of wood from French forests, and the sustainable carbon storage that this allows.

With this promotion of all uses of wood, and the deployment of legal and financial incentive conditions brought together by the Government, all links in the wood sector quickly committed to increasing their offer in capacity and range.

All the players in the sector were able to take advantage of the France Relance and France 2030 measures to initiate an investment shock (of more than €2.2 billion): with in particular more than €260 million dedicated to forest renewal for 45,000 hectares of forests, €450 million for timber processing, energy autonomy, energy performance and wood drying. To date, more than 50 winners of the France 2030 schemes have been the subject of funding decisions.

These investments offer “Net Zero Carbon” solutions : to decarbonize the uses of the construction, logistics and consumer goods sectors from forest resources and by extending carbon storage from the forest to wood products.

From 2021, the sector's results are very encouraging, with the observed creation of 20,000 jobs compared to 2019.

More than 3 billion euros of additional investments will be necessary by 2030 in the construction wood value chain alone to increase from 6.5 to more than 9 million m3 of wood in buildings, through construction and renovation.

From now on, ecological forest planning aims to scale up actions over a long period of time. The involvement of the CSF bois will be one of the keys to success.

A first strategic contract 2014-2017 allowed the sector to work collectively to better structure itself and overcome technical, regulatory or organizational constraints.

This third contract carried out interministerially now sets four priorities :

  • The ecological transition ;
  • Reindustrialization , sovereignty and competitiveness ; 
  • Innovation and digitalization;
  • The development of skills and attractiveness.
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