The price of pellets in Switzerland and Germany in September 2023

Tezy: In the third quarter of 2023, the price of cubic wood briquettes (presses with a pressing chamber) and cylindrical extruded briquettes (eccentric presses) leveled at EUR 521/t.


In the third quarter of 2023, the price of cubic wood briquettes (presses with a pressing chamber) and cylindrical extruded briquettes (eccentric presses) leveled at EUR 521/t. Cube-shaped briquettes are compact and convenient, also known as "call briquettes". In eccentric briquettes, dry wood shavings are pressed disk by disk into an endless band of briquettes. This is then cut into uniform pieces in a convenient format. These cylindrical briquettes swell a little in the oven and burn evenly.

Compared to previous quarters, price dynamics are uneven, but all types of briquettes are significantly cheaper than a year ago. Prices fell by 33-40 percent. "We also had a high price for wood briquettes in the summer of 2022 due to the war in Ukraine," explains DEPI Managing Director Martin Bentele. - Therefore, now is a good time to order briquettes for the winter."


According to, the Swiss pellet price in September 2023 is 19.4 percent lower than a year ago, when it was CHF 616.50. The current average price is based on information from 24 suppliers.

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