Akyuz Wood Veneer Company which is one of the best manufacturers in Düzce, has given an industrial identity to wood in the industry of veneer since 1958.

Shortly we can say; Akyuz Kaplama is a company that places importance on relations based on trust in terms of customers, work with rich variety of products in stock in terms of products, produces solutions instead of excuses in terms of services..

Akyuz Wood Veneer is a wood veneer company continuing its production activities in a 3250 m2 covered and 3000 m2 open area.

When we looked at Turkey's forest produce statistics, we see %30 of product is produced in Düzce.

Akyuz Wood Veneer A.S. produces high quality veneers of wood in different varieties (beech, oak, maple, europan ash, turkish walnut, american walnut, european cherry, apelli african, poplar etc..) with their good peeling and slicing machineries at the high-tech machines. This percentage shows us to be important of Duzce for forest produce in our country.

About 55 years, our company is engaged in forest products, reliable, high quality and trained staff has grown and today has became important figure in wood industry.

Our company operates to increase your trust in us day by day and never makes concessions to the world-standart product range we offer to you or the service quality and therefore experiences the well-deserved pride in the sector..

Our company continue to walk it's way which drawed with don't make concessions from it's reliable and trustworthy. Our compeny is attach importtance to export too, so we export massive tree coverings to various Europe country. Our company which has lots of facility, make fashion production with it's reliable, trustworthy mind.

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